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Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A.) sacrifices for Islam

      Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) Wikipedia 

 Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA), also known as Umar Farooq, was the second caliph of Islam and a prominent figure in Islamic history. He played a crucial role in the early development and expansion of the Islamic state. Here is an overview of his life:

Early Life:

Umar ibn al-Khattab was born in 584 CE in Mecca, in present-day Saudi Arabia. He belonged to the Banu Adi clan of the Quraysh tribe, which was a prominent tribe in Mecca. Umar came from a respected family known for their strong character and leadership.

Conversion to Islam:

Initially, Umar was a staunch opponent of Islam. However, in 616 CE, he underwent a significant transformation when he heard about his sister and her husband accepting Islam. Filled with anger, Umar set out to confront them but ended up embracing Islam himself upon hearing verses from the Quran. His conversion had a massive effect on the early Muslim community.


After the death of the first caliph, Abu Bakr (RA), Umar was elected as the second caliph in 634 CE. His caliphate lasted for ten years until his assassination in 644 CE. As a caliph, Umar focused on establishing justice, expanding the Islamic state, and implementing various reforms.

Reforms and Governance:

Umar was known for his strict adherence to justice and equality. He introduced several administrative reforms, including the establishment of a well-organized governance structure. During his caliphate, he appointed governors and established a system of consultation (Shura) to ensure fairness and transparency in decision-making.

Extend of the Islamic area:

Under Umar's leadership, the Islamic area extended significantly. The Muslim armies conquered large territories, including Persia (Sassanian Empire) and the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire). These conquests marked the rapid spread of Islam and the establishment of a powerful Islamic state.

Social and Economic Reforms:

Umar implemented numerous social and economic reforms to improve the welfare of Muslims. He introduced the welfare system known as Bayt al-Mal, which provided financial support to the poor, widows, and orphans. He also initiated various measures to ensure fair distribution of resources and prevent exploitation.


Hazrat Umar is widely regarded as one of the most influential Muslim leaders in history. His leadership, piety, and commitment to justice left a lasting impact on the Islamic world. His system of governance and reforms set a precedent for future Muslim rulers. His contributions to the expansion and development of the Islamic state are highly revered by Muslims worldwide.


Hazrat Umar was assassinated in 644 CE by a Persian slave named Abu Lulu. He was leading the congregational prayers when Abu Lulu attacked him with a dagger. Umar sustained fatal injuries and passed away a few days later. His death was a great loss for the Muslim community, and he was buried next to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Abu Bakr (RA) in Medina, Saudi Arabia.

      Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) when and                                     HowAccept Islam 

Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) accepted Islam in the early years of the Islamic era. The exact year of his conversion is not universally agreed upon, but it is generally believed to have taken place in the sixth year after the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) received his first revelation.

According to historical accounts, Umar was initially a staunch opponent of Islam and actively persecuted Muslims. However, his conversion to Islam is a significant event in Islamic history. The story of his acceptance of Islam is often narrated as follows:

One day, Umar set out with the intention of confronting and possibly harming the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). On his way, he encountered a person who informed him that his sister and her husband had converted to Islam. This news enraged Umar, and he immediately changed his course to his sister's house.

Upon arriving, Umar found his sister, Fatimah bint al-Khattab, and her husband, Sa'id ibn Zayd, engaged in reciting the verses of the Quran. Witnessing their steadfastness, Umar's anger subsided, and he demanded to see the script they were reading. Fatimah hesitated at first but eventually showed him the verses of Surah Ta-Ha from the Quran.

As Umar read the verses, he was deeply moved by their beauty and truth. His heart underwent a profound transformation, and he recognized the truth of Islam. Umar immediately declared his acceptance of Islam, and this momentous event had a significant impact on the early Muslim community.

The conversion of Umar brought immense strength to the Muslim ranks, as he was known for his bravery, intelligence, and leadership abilities. His acceptance of Islam bolstered the confidence of the early Muslims and helped solidify the faith.

It is worth noting that Umar's conversion to Islam was a turning point in his life, and he became one of the most loyal and devoted companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). His contributions to the early Muslim community and his subsequent caliphate are highly revered by Muslims worldwide.

    Ruler Life of Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A.)

Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) ruled as the second caliph of Islam from 634 to 644 CE. During his caliphate, Umar implemented numerous reforms and worked diligently to establish justice, expand the Islamic state, and improve the welfare of Muslims. Here are some key aspects of his ruling and administrative approach:

1. Justice and Rule of Law: Umar was known for his strict adherence to justice and equality. He established a robust judicial system where judges were appointed to settle disputes and administer justice. He emphasized the importance of treating people fairly and upholding the rights of all individuals, regardless of their social status or background.

2. Governance Structure: Umar introduced a well-organized governance structure to efficiently administer the growing Islamic state. He appointed governors to oversee different regions and made sure they were accountable for their actions. He regularly sought feedback from governors and encouraged open dialogue to address any issues or concerns.

3. Consultation (Shura): Umar believed in the importance of consultation and sought the advice of prominent companions and scholars in matters of governance and decision-making. He established a system of consultation known as Shura, where important matters were discussed collectively, ensuring a broader perspective and reducing the likelihood of arbitrary decisions.

4. Expansion of the Islamic State: Under Umar's leadership, the Islamic state witnessed significant expansion. Muslim armies conquered territories including Persia (Sassanian Empire) and the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire). Umar oversaw military campaigns and devised strategies for effective governance and administration in newly conquered regions.

5. Reforms and Policies: Umar implemented various social, economic, and administrative reforms. He introduced a system of welfare known as Bayt al-Mal, which provided financial support to the poor, widows, and orphans. Umar also established regulations regarding public treasury, land distribution, taxation, and trade to ensure fair and equitable distribution of resources.

6. Emphasis on Public Services: Umar focused on providing efficient public services to the citizens of the Islamic state. He established public amenities, including hospitals, guest houses, and marketplaces. He also ensured the availability of clean water and facilitated the construction of mosques and Islamic centers.

7. Moral and Ethical Leadership: Umar was known for his personal integrity and ethical conduct. He set high moral standards for himself and expected the same from his officials. He was known to personally interact with people, listen to their grievances, and address their concerns.

8. Accessibility and Simplicity: Despite holding a high position, Umar maintained a simple lifestyle and made himself accessible to the people. He would often patrol the streets at night to assess the well-being of his subjects and ensure their safety. His humility and approachability endeared him to the Muslim community.

Hazrat Umar's reign was marked by effective governance, justice, and the expansion of the Islamic state. His leadership left a lasting impact on the administrative structures of the early Muslim community and set a precedent for future Muslim rulers in terms of governance, justice, and social welfare.

     Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) and Hazrat                  Muhammad SAW loves for each Other

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), the Prophet of Islam, held deep respect and admiration for Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA), commonly known as Umar Farooq. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) spoke highly of Umar and praised his qualities and contributions on several occasions. Here are some instances that reflect the Prophet's feelings towards Hazrat Umar:

1. The Prophet's Prediction: Even before Umar's conversion to Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) made a supplication to Allah, saying, "O Allah! Strengthen Islam with Abu Jahl, Umar ibn al-Khattab, or Amr ibn Hisham (Abu Sufyan)." This supplication is considered significant because it highlights the potential and impact that Umar would have on the growth of Islam.

2. The Incident of Umar's Conversion: When Umar accepted Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) exclaimed, "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest) in joy. Umar's conversion was seen as a momentous occasion for the Muslim community, as his dedication, leadership qualities, and determination were recognized and celebrated by the Prophet (SAW).

3. The Prophet's Praise for Umar's Strength: The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) once said, "If there were to be a Prophet after me, it would have been Umar." This statement reflects the Prophet's acknowledgment of Umar's strength, leadership abilities, and commitment to Islam. It highlights the high regard the Prophet (SAW) had for Umar's character and potential.

4. Umar's Role in Guiding the Prophet: Hazrat Umar often acted as a trusted advisor and confidant to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Umar's straightforward nature and ability to offer practical solutions were respected by the Prophet (SAW). Umar's opinions and suggestions were sought by the Prophet (SAW) on various matters, indicating the trust and respect the Prophet (SAW) had in him.

5. Umar's Appointment as a Caliph: After the death of the first caliph, Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA), the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) expressed his satisfaction with Umar's election as the second caliph. He said, "Verily, Allah has placed the truth upon the tongue of Umar and in his heart." This statement reflects the Prophet's confidence in Umar's ability to lead and make decisions in accordance with divine guidance.

Overall, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) held Hazrat Umar in high esteem, recognizing his qualities of strength, leadership, wisdom, and dedication to Islam. Umar's contributions and his close relationship with the Prophet (SAW) played a vital role in the establishment and growth of the early Muslim community.  

Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A.) Reaction in Wars

Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) played a significant role in the military campaigns and conquests during his caliphate. He displayed strong leadership and strategic decision-making in various wars. While it is challenging to provide an exhaustive list of all the wars and campaigns during his reign, here are some notable examples:

1. Battle of Badr (624 CE): The Battle of Badr was a significant early battle in Islamic history. Umar participated in this battle alongside the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and played an active role in the Muslim army's success against the Quraysh of Mecca.

2. Battle of Uhud (625 CE): Umar fought in the Battle of Uhud, which took place between the Muslims of Medina and the Quraysh of Mecca. Despite initial success, the Muslims faced setbacks, and Umar played a crucial role in protecting the Prophet (SAW) during the course of the battle.

3. Conquest of Khaybar (629 CE): Umar participated in the conquest of Khaybar, a Jewish stronghold in Arabia. His military prowess and leadership were evident during the siege and eventual conquest of the fortified city.

4. Conquest of Makkah (630 CE): Umar played a significant role in the conquest of Makkah, his birthplace. He was at the forefront of the Muslim army that entered Makkah peacefully, and his efforts helped facilitate the reconciliation between the Muslims and the Quraysh.

5. Conquest of Jerusalem (638 CE): Umar is known for his leadership in the conquest of Jerusalem, which marked the Muslim liberation of the city from Byzantine rule. His negotiations with the Christian inhabitants demonstrated his commitment to justice and religious freedom.

6. Conquests in Persia and Byzantine territories: Under Umar's caliphate, Muslim armies made substantial gains in Persia (Sassanian Empire) and the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire). Several successful campaigns were launched during his reign, resulting in the expansion of the Islamic state.

It's important to note that Umar's approach to war was guided by the principles of Islam, including the preservation of innocent lives, respect for treaties, and fairness in dealing with conquered territories. His emphasis on justice and mercy earned him respect among both Muslims and non-Muslims.

While it is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of all the wars and campaigns Umar participated in, his military leadership and strategic decisions contributed to the expansion and consolidation of the Islamic state during his caliphate.

       Death of Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A

Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) passed away on November 3, 644 CE (26th of Dhul-Hijjah, 23 AH) due to an assassination. The incident took place in Medina, the capital of the Islamic state. Here are the details surrounding his death:

On the morning of the 26th of Dhul-Hijjah, Umar led the Fajr (dawn) prayer in the Masjid al-Nabawi (Prophet's Mosque) in Medina. While leading the prayer, a Persian slave named Abu Lulu al-Majusi attacked Umar with a poisoned dagger. Umar sustained severe injuries, but he managed to complete the prayer and address the congregation briefly.

After the prayer, Umar was taken to his house where he was attended to by physicians. The injuries proved to be fatal, and Umar realized that his end was near. He appointed a committee of six prominent companions, known as the Shura Council, to choose his successor as the next caliph.

Umar's condition deteriorated over the next few days, and he eventually passed away on the evening of November 3, 644 CE. His death was mourned by the Muslim community, as he was known for his wisdom, justice, and dedication to Islam.

Umar was buried next to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Abu Bakr (RA) in the Prophet's Mosque in Medina. His death marked the end of a remarkable era in Islamic history and left a significant void in the leadership of the Muslim community. Umar's contributions and legacy continue to be remembered and respected by Muslims worldwide.


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